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Over 35+ and Want to Get Back into
‘The Game’ –FAST?
How to Turn Your "Age" Into Your Ultimate
Advantage to Meet, Attract, and Transform a Younger Woman into Your Girlfriend,
Lover, or Wife
Cick "Reserve My Seat!" below, then select the day and time that works best for you.
If you want to get back into the dating scene and attract a younger woman, this class will show you the proven system to do just that.
Presented by Hank Hendrix and Bobby Rio
Hank Hendrix is a 53-year-old former screenwriter, turned adventurer living his “second life” with a young beautiful girlfriend that inspires and makes him feel young and alive again.
He has been a “secret weapon” for older guys looking to get back into the game and recapture their excitement for pursuing women and spark attraction with the type they truly desire.
In this FREE Online Class, you’ll discover …
Cick "Reserve My Seat!" below, then select the day and time that works best for you.