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100% Free Online Workshop
3 Simple Steps To Verbally Take Things to an “Intimate Level” with a Woman…
(So you NEVER Get Stuck in the Friend Zone)
Cick "Reserve My Seat!" below, then select the day and time that works best for you.
If you’re tired of getting “stuck” in conversations with a “friend zone” vibe, and can never seem to move things towards that first kiss, this class will show you three simple steps that allow you to do just that.
Presented by Bobby Rio
Bobby Rio will show you how easy it is to take a conversation to a more “intimate” level that has a woman waiting to be kissed. He breaks down the process into three easy to follow steps, and provides countless examples of how to apply this to your next interaction with a woman.
In this FREE Online Class, You’ll Discover:
Cick "Reserve My Seat!" below, then select the day and time that works best for you.