PUA Routines and PUA Openers (word-for-word examples of the best routines and openers)

DatingAttraction > Pua Openers & Pua Routines
by Bobby Rio • Updated: March 4, 2025

See Also

pua routines and openers

Examples of the Best PUA Routines & PUA Openers

Most of us were first introduced to pickup artist (PUA) routines and openers in Neil Strauss’s book The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists.

PUA Routine has been defined as the following: PUA routines are canned and scripted material that pick up artists use to pickup girls and hone their skills.

PUA Openers: Opening lines used to get a woman’s attention in an indirect way. Opinion openers are some of the most popular.

The main purpose of using routines is to provide aspiring pickup artists tested, and proven things to say to women in the field.  Often when an aspiring pickup artist first begins his quest to get better with women he is unsure of what to say to women, how to keep a conversation going, or how to build attraction.

Over the years, some of the best pickup artists in the world have document their best pua routines and began teaching them to students.

Although there is some criticism of routines, mainly that they make the pickup artist seem to robotic, and “canned” and limit his ability to display his “natural” personality, I believe that using routines as training wheels can really help your game when you’re just getting started.

PUA routines are used for many different purposes.

  • Opener Routines
  • Attraction Building Routines
  • Comfort Building Routines
  • Seduction routines

Most of these routines are based on several principles that pickup artist tend to stick to throughout their pickups.

1.  Most of these routines will contain elements of DHVs (or demonstration of higher value)

2.  Some of these routines will contain neg hits used to knock a woman off her pedestal.

3.  Many of the routines will exemplify the concept of “push pull” and the “cat on a string theory”

4.  Many routines will contain excuses to initiate “kino” or getting a woman comfortable with you touching her.

5.  Almost all of these routines are designed to entertain a woman long enough so that you can begin to move into seduction mode.

An Example of an Attraction PUA Routine:

Here is an attraction example routine, contained within the famous “Routines Manual.”

“I’m a high-end bank robber and art thief, and my team is planning an upcoming heist tomorrow night. I think you could be the perfect decoy. If you’re interested in being a part of the team, there’s not much money in it right now… I can’t guarantee that your take will be more than $350 million. If you’re okay with that small of an amount, let me tell you what you’ll need to do. Tomorrow night at midnight, while I’m hacking into the alarm system from the van, I’ll need you to show up at the bank wearing a long black trench coat over lingerie and stiletto heels. I’ll provide you a silver metallic briefcase. What you’ll need to do is seduce the 70-year-old night security guard while the rest of my team drills through the wall. Then, at just the right moment, I’ll give you the signal through your earpiece and you’ll press the red button on your briefcase and the vault will explode behind the security guard and you’ll run out to safety unless you’re totally enamored by the old guy. Can you run in heels?” Kisser- Love Systems Instructor.

This is a fun example of how to answer a question you know you’re going to get, like, “What do you do?” It does so with a role-play and makes it fun instead of delivering the boring, predictable answers she always hears. After the role-play you should tell her what you actually do so it doesn’t seem like you’re hiding anything…

An Example of a Comfort PUA Routine:

Here is a comfort building example routine, contained within the famous “Routines Manual.”

The Question Game Routine:

“I have a fun way to get to know new people… It’s called the Question Game. But there are rules…

“Rule 1: You ask a question, then me, then you, and so on, back and forth.

“Rule 2: You have to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Like truth or dare but without the dare because I don’t know how weird you really are.” (Notice the tease.)

“Rule 3: You can’t ask a question that’s already been asked.

“Rule 4: You have to ask interesting questions…Take advantage of our anonymity. Oh, and… Rule 5, I ask you a question first.”

This is a great PUA routine to use because it can stretch throughout the night.

More examples of PUA routines:

The Best Friend Test by Neil Strauss

I like this one, it’s like the cube, it falls into the category of being interesting and true.

Style’s Best Friends Test

YOU: OK, I have to ask: how long have you guys known each other for?

(If you think they’re sisters ask: Are you guys sisters or best friend)

THEM: Blah blah blah

YOU: See, I knew that

THEM: How could you know that?

YOU: Ill show you. In fact, Ill give you the best friends test

THEM: (Gets all excited)

YOU: OK¦ (pretend you’re just about to ask a serious question)

Do you both use the same shampoo?

THEM: (Look at each other and then open their mouths to answer)

YOU: OK, the answer doesnt matter- you already passed.

THEM: Huh?!

YOU: See, if you werent so close to each other, youd have kept eye contact with me as you answered. But when two people have a connection, they look at each other first- kind of like youre doing right now.

THEM: (Laugh)

YOU: See, you dont even need to say anything to each other. Its like you just communicate telepathically.

The Cube Routine by Neil Strausspixelimg2

People seem to be emailing me pretty often about “the cube.” I believe that I’ve posted this before but here it is again for those too lazy to search the archives 🙂 This is a good routine to do when you start running out of conversation.


Its an ancient Sufi science of letting somebody know their true-selves.

Answer the questions below first on a piece of paper.
Than notice how you it fits you. You can try this with others.
WARNING: If you plan to run the Cube on yourself, either DO IT NOW or dont read any further!!! Once you know the details, you might not be able to use it on

Are you sure you want this? You might learn things about yourself you never knew?

Imagine a desert.

Whats it look like? Is it a desert like Arizona? Or is it a desert like Sand Dunes in the Sahara?

Is there anything about it in particular that you see that is interesting?

In the desert, imagine a cube.

What does it look like?

What is it made of?

Where is it located in this scene?

What state is it in?

Anything else you can describe of this cube?

(Write down your answers or hers)

Now imagine a ladder.

What is it made of?

How big is it?

How many rungs does it have?

Where is it located in relation to the cube?

(Write your/her answers down.)

Imagine some flowers.

How many are they?

What kind?

Where are they located in relation to the cube and the ladder?

And now imagine a horse.

What kind of horse is it?

What color?

What size?

What is it doing?

Where in the scenery is it located, in relation to the earlier three things?

Is the horse facing the cube or away from the cube?

Can you describe it in any more detail?

Theres a storm in this landscape.

Where is it in relation to the other things in the

Which way is it proceeding?

What kind of storm is it?

Can you describe it in any more detail?

The Cube: represents the womans conception of herself.
>> The Ladder: friends (and family in some cases).
>> The Flowers: Children
>> The Horse: Her lover
>> The Storm: Troubles in life.

Take a look at your answers and see how they fit you.

Now for practice here were the answers I got from a girl when I once did a cube on her.

Her answers follow:

So imagine a desert. Whats it like? Lots of sand? Cactus

Its very flowing. All sand dunes. The sun is just setting, and theres a beautiful orange glow shimmering off the sand. So I guess its all sand, and no cactus.

(Now imagine a cube. Where is it located in this desert?)

The cube is in the middle, floating just above the dunes. Its made out of bronze. Its a tawny/goldish color. It had lots of designs etched into it. Flat edges, with swirly rounded designs decorating the middle.

(Now imagine a ladder going to the top of the cube?)

The ladder is made out of wood. it has 5 rungs.

(Now imagine some flowers near the cube?)

3 flowers. Theyre pink with 5 petals each, with a yellow center and one has 2 leaves, and 2 have 1 leaf.

(Now imagine a horse. What does it look like? Does it have a long, big, bushy tail

Is really strong like a race horse? Or more like one that has been stuck in a stable for a long while? What color is this horse? Where is it in relation to your cube?)

The horse is white with gray spots flecked on its hind end. Its rearing on its hind legs, kicking its front hooves into the air. The horse has a black silky, slender tail. Its very strong from running free in the desert. Its standing on the right side of the cube (on its hind legs).

(And finally imagine a storm. Where is this storm located? Is it nearby or far away? Is anything happening in the storm? What kind of storm?)

Its located in the back ground, off in the distance. The storm is very dark, with huge streaks of lightening.

C And U Shaped Smiles Routine

C and U shaped smile routine 

This one is AWESOME if you’re sarging strippers and models. It’s also completely true.

Style: Smile again for me.
HB: um, okay.
Style (to wing): See, she’s a U.
HB: ????
Style: I dated a girl who wanted to be a pop star. And she had a theory that people with U-shaped smiles were perceived as unfriendly. And people with C-shaped smiles were perceived as friendly.
HB: So what’s a U then?
Style: A U is when your teeth go straight back in your mouth (can add “kind of like a horse” if she’s a SHB). A C is when there’s a big row of pearly whites in the front. And to my ex, it was more than a theory. She actually got her teeth surgically reshaped from a U to a C.
HB: No way.
Style: And she had me go look at pictures of like Christina Aguilera, who is a U, and Britney Spears, who is a C. Look at the cover of Us or any magazine, and you’ll see that it’s always a C smile on the cover.

From here, me and the target start inspecting the teeth of random strangers looking for the perfect C or U. It’s fun.

Dual Induction Massage Routine

Some of you may have pieced this together already from Jlaix and Chessclub’s FRs, but here, for the archives and for posterity, is the step-by-step Dual Induction Massage Sure-Fire Threesome Routine, with credit given where credit is due.

This to me is the biggest breakthrough I’ve had in the last year. Once you cross this barrier (as Jlaix knows), there’s no going back. It changes your whole PU life. No longer are you going out trying to just get a LR, but to bring two of the right women together for a dual induction massage.

This all began one night at the ProHo mansion, when an FB was over and an MLTR did a drop-by. I was in Herbal’s room, sitting there with them both vibing each other, trying to figure out what to do.

I went outside and talked to Mystery, and asked him which girl I should get rid of.

Fortunately, Mystery had just been at David D’s DYD seminar. And a gentleman there had talked about getting threesomes by having two girls massage him at the same time. We looked into Herbal’s room, at the two of them talking, and Mystery suggested a couple tactics. I decided, what the fuck, I had nothing to lose.

I took them both up to my room to watch a fun home video clips that I was in. We all lay on the bed, and watched it.

So, here are the steps, once you have them on your bed. Of course, make sure the lights are low and the mood is romantic and comfortable, without being an obvious seduction/plan.

STEP ONE: Tell them, genuinely, “I just experienced the most amazing thing. I went to San Diego and hung out with my friend Steve, who’s like a guru and a shaman, and an amazing guy. And he had two of his students perform a dual induction massage on me. Their hands were moving in perfect synchronization on me, and because your conscious mind can’t follow all those movements, it just disconnects and you feel like there are thousands of hands on you. It was amazing.”

[This is true: It was an amazing gift from Steve P., one of the really great and powerful guys I’ve met through this community.]

Now, ideally, the HB getting the massage should be the one who would get the most jealous. She needs to get the attention first to feel comfortable. Also, to make sure this goes smoothly, it’s best if this is someone you’ve *closed or !closed before. It’s best to leave her shirt ON, and just do it over the shirt.

Next, tell the HB who’s doing the massaging that she must follow your hand movements exactly and move in exact synchronization. (I’d recommend taking a seminar in Swedish massage to learn how to do a nice backrub; if you’re in NY, try the Open Center; anywhere else, just do a Learning Annex course.)

STEP TWO: Next, say it’s your turn. Take off your shirt, and lie on your stomach. And definitely show appreciation for what they are doing.

STEP THREE: Afterward, say that it’s the third girl’s turn. Help her out of her shirt, or ask her to take off her shit while she’s facing away from you (if she’s shy), and have her lie on her stomach.

On this girl, you can make the massage more erotic. Go around the breasts and butt and thighs, WITHOUT actually touching any private parts.

STEP FOUR: Now this is the key move. After you finish the massage, let her lay there on her stomach underneath you and the other girl. Pause a moment to build up a touch of tension, then start making out passionately with the other girl (the one who was just doing the massaging with you) over the back of the girl lying down.

Now, just gently turn the face of the girl lying down towards you. Kiss her. Then gently take the head of the other girl and bring it DOWN to the face of the girl lying on her stomach. If you’ve created the mood properly, they’ll just automatically start kissing. Join in for a threeway makeout, and it’s all over.

YOU have to be a conductor, and orchestrate everything. Turn over the girl who was being massaged last, and each take a breast. Then switch off girls. Then roll away and watch them go at it. Then get back in there and help them remove some clothes. Etc. Etc.

However, this can NOT be about your pleasure. In the majority of cases, you are providing an excuse for the girls to get together. So if one of the girls is an MLTR or primary or main FB, make sure that it’s all about HER pleasure. You need to calibrate the comfort level of each girl the whole time. If you start trying to be a porn star too quickly or making it all about you (or making it too explicit where the massage is heading), this could backfire. That said, since I first figured it out (with respect to Mystery and Steve P), it hasn’t failed once.

The Ring Finger Routine

The second you notice she is wearing rings say, “I have to ask before I run, why did you chose to wear that ring on that particular finger?”

[She responds].

You continue, “Interesting, I have a friend who’s a spiritual type, and she just told me that the fingers you choose to wear your rings on says something about your personality. Each one of these mounds, the pads on the palm where the fingers join the hand, is represented by a different god. In ancient Greek culture, you’d wear a ring on that finger to praise and pay homage to that particular god.”

From here, go on to explain each finger one at a time. Start by giving a quick rundown explaining each of the fingers she isn’t wearing a ring on. Then, when you get to the fingers that do have rings, spend a bit more time by giving her a more detailed cold read.

Here are sample scripts for each of the fingers, feel free to improvise and modify when needed:


“The thumb represents Poseidon. He was extremely independent. He wasn’t up on Mount Olympus. He preferred to be in the sea doing his own thing.

Notice that the thumb kind of sticks out, in a way, it kind of does its own thing as well. People who wear thumb rings are therefore very individual and independent. They don’t follow trends, but instead prefer to set their own.”


“The index finger is represented by Zeus. Zeus was the king of all gods and the god of thunder.

That’s a very dominant finger. It represents power and immense energy. Having a ring there means you tend to be a more dominant person.”

End by waving of your index finger at her as if to say “no no no” or “don’t do that.”


“Your middle finger is represented by Dionysus whois the god of wine and partying. He is an incredibly irreverent god.

Having a ring there means you tend to do whatever you want and care less about what others think.”

If they’re wearing a ring on this finger toss up your middle finger and joke, “It’s like saying screw you to the world.” This almost always get a laugh.


“Your ring finger is of course represented by Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Perhaps that’s why we wear our wedding rings on this particular finger.

When you fall for someone, you tend to fall for them completely.” This is a great spot to deviate from your script and work in some romantic cold-reading.

Conclude with “Interestingly, it is the only finger that has a vein that goes straight to the heart without branching off, so when someone puts a ring on that finger, they’re actually making a direct connection with your heart.” If she’s comfortable, trace a line from her finger up her arm as you say this.


“The pinky is represented by Ares, the god of war.You’ll often see mobsters with pinky rings on.

On one hand, your pinky ring is a sign that you have a darker side. However, it also indicates that you’re a great protector of things. If somebody messes with someone you love, you won’t flee from the conflict, you’ll quickly step up to defend them. I bet you can
be trusted to keep and protect secrets as well. Maybe that’s where the pinky swear comes from.”

At the end, you should smile and momentarily lock your pinky with hers.


* If she isn’t wearing rings and you still want to use this routine, then you can begin by saying “Look at your hands and imagine that you’re wearing some rings. Now, tell me which fingers you’re imagining them on.”

* If during or after the routine the woman asks,
“How do you know this?” You may respond, “An ex-girlfriend of mine was into mythology and taught it to me.”

* If she wears a ring on her wedding finger then inquire “Is that an engagement ring or do you just wear that to keep the womanizers away?”
You’ll be surprised how often the latter is true.


Thumb = Poseidon representing individuality
Index = Zeus representing dominance and power
Middle = Dionysus representing irreverence
Ring = Aphrodite representing love and romance
Pinky = Ares representing conflict and protection

The Strawberry Fields Game Routine

To introduce the game say, “Hey there is this fun game I know that is going to tell me things about you.” She’ll be curious.

Then go ahead and start: “Okay imagine yourself in a field. It’s a Spring day and you are in a cute Spring outfit, and you are walking through on this really nice day. Birds are circling around you and it just feels comfortable. Off in the distance you see a strawberry field, a sea of green and red, and since you like strawberries, you start walking up to this field. You walk for what seems like a long time and finally you get to the field. How high is this fence around the strawberry field?”

If she isn’t sure say, “How high is it in your mind- there doesn’t have to be a fence if you don’t see one.” Continue: “So you go inside this strawberry field and walk down the rows of strawberries. You notice they are big, juicy, and ripe. I mean, these are the best strawberries you’ve ever seen in your life. How many do you pick and eat right there?”

The last question: “Alright so you ate the strawberries and are very satisfied. You are walking out of the strawberry field but then the farmer stops you. He accuses you of eating his strawberries without asking. What do you say to him?”

The strawberry game reveals her views on sex because Strawberries represent pleasure and passion to women. There’s a good chance she will figure that out before you are done. The height of her fence represents her barrier to something pleasurable- in other words, her vagina.

An answer you want to hear is, “I don’t see a fence.” I don’t believe in Astrology or psychic power but if a girl tells you her fence is higher than four feet (waist high) she has sexual issues that you may have already identified before administering the the test.

You are going to finesse the first question analysis because if her fence is low you don’t want to imply that she is a slut. Say, “The height of your fence represents your barrier to intimacy. A lower fence means you do not delay intimacy with a guy you really like, while a higher fence means you consciously postpone intimacy, for whatever reason- maybe you were hurt many times.” Intimacy here means sex, but let her think it means whatever she wants it to mean.

The second question represents her sexual appetite or her desire for sexual variety. Each strawberry is a single sex act with a man. If she gives an answer like, “As many as I can eat,” then she is impulsive girl who had her share of good times with men.

Say, “The number of strawberries represents your sexual appetite. A low number means you are generally satisfied with men while a high number means yo are currently satisfied and your sex life is not what you imagined it would be.” Since a majority of girls give a high number, I like telling her the bad news that she is not sexually satisfied because she will be staring at me- the solution.

Tell her the third answer represents what she says after sex. Most girls say “I’m sorry,” or “Thank you, they were delicious.” – Roosh V

This is a great game that allows you to introduce the topic of sex into the conversation without coming across creepy or desperate. Once you’ve both acknowledge “the elephant in the room” you’ll both me more at ease around one another.

If you sense that she seems really curious about these sort of games, and you suspect a little more warming up is needed before advancing kino, move directly into another similar routine like 4 questions or The Trust test .

Personally I only recommend using one or two routines like this in the course of a conversation. If you use any more than that it might be overkill. Routines are great ways to keep the conversation going when it idles out a bit.

I don’t suggest making cold reading or routines the foundation of your conversation… but they are like adding salt and pepper to a good meal. I realized last weekend that I should be using them more as my cocky/funny approach can get overbearing… and a good routine thrown in there can add some spice to the conversation and build some comfort and rapport… not to mention having the potential to trigger off some tremendous DHVs.

PUA Openers

Everything you need to know about using openers to start a conversation with a woman

There seems to be a mystery as to what sort of opening lines you should use to start a conversation with a woman.

Chances are you’ve heard some god awful pick up lines over the years.  Don’t worry, this page will only talk about using some of the best pua openers I’ve come across over the years.

First, I’m going to give you a brief background about what openers are, and why they work so well.  And then I’m going to give you a list of my the best pua openers I’ve used over the years.

What is a Pua Opener?

Most of you probably first heard the term pua after reading Neil Strauss’s book The Game.  Neil Strauss used a lot of acronyms in the book to describe elements of a sort of sub-culture he was involved in.  PUA stands for “Pick Up Artist.”  Neil refers to the words used to start a conversation as “openers.”  So most guys who study game refer to these sort of openers as PUA Openers.

What makes them different then pick up lines?

When you think of pick up lines you probably think of some cheesy line like “What’s your sign?”  Or “Did it hurt?  Falling from Heaven.”

Just for the record, none of the opening lines I’ll be talking about are anything like the typical pick up lines your AFC (average frustrated chump) friends have probably advised you to use.  In fact, as I go through some of the best openers, you’ll realize that most of them don’t even seem like they are designed to attract women.

What makes a pua opener different then a pick up line is that generally openers do not start out with a strong statement of interest.  Instead, most openers leave the woman guessing on your intention.  This makes you seem more interesting to the woman.  And allows her to put her guard down for a minute and gives you an opportunity to connect with her.

What should a Pua opener accomplish?

The sole job of an opener is said to be to start a conversation with a girl.  I disagree a little about this.  I believe that a good pua opener just several jobs.

1.  A good opener starts a conversation with a girl in a way that differentiates you from most of the other guys who have approached her in the past.

2.  A good opener allows you to start a conversation with a woman in that skips over the normal, boring small talk that kills most approaches pretty quickly.

3.  A good opener engages everyone the woman is talking to.  When approaching a group you should always open the entire group.

Types of PUA Openers

Most people who have read Neil Strauss’s book The Game think of openers as mainly asking a woman her opinion on something.  But that is just one type of opener.  In this section I’m going to outline the most common types of openers.

So generally there are – I classify about five different ways to start a conversation. One is directly using a direct opener. The second is using an indirect opener. Third is using a gimmicky type of opener. Fourth is a situational type of opener. And fifth is inviting her into a conversation you’re already having.

So let’s talk about the different kinds of openers.

Direct Pua Openers

Now, what a direct opener is, is you’re letting her know your intention immediately. There is no hiding the fact that you have come over here to hit on her. And you can do this by saying something like ‘Hey, you’re giving off an incredible energy, and I had to come over here and see what you’re deal was’.

What differentiates a direct opener from a standard pick up line is your delivery.  You are not complimenting the woman to seek her approval.  You’re complimenting her from a place of complete an utter confidence. Your unapologetic attitude is what makes you so attractive to her.


  • Being direct displays massive confidence, assuming you deliver it in a confident manner and it lets a woman know your intention right off the bat.  This eliminates any chance of being put in the friend zone.
  • It allows you to disqualify uninterested women quicker.  This will prevent you from spending too much time talking to a woman who is blatantly not interested or who has a boyfriend.


  • It takes balls. And if you’re not confident yet, it’s going to be really hard to pull it off.
  • It gives you less time to build attraction. You’re putting her on the spot. You’re making her, kind of forcing her to make up her mind about you very quickly.

In-direct Opinion Pua Openers

Indirect is either making a vague statement, or asking her opinion on something. You’re basically starting a conversation in a way that, in the same way that you would start a conversation with somebody else at the bar.

And it’s just asking opinion on something. An example of that is, ‘Do I look gay?’

Another one, if you ever saw the ‘Keys to the VIP’ video with Cajun is, ‘Do I look like a drug dealer?’ You can ask something along the lines of ‘Hey, is kissing cheating?’


  • It doesn’t really take a lot of courage to use an opinion opener, which is what’s great about them. It is that you can just use them and there is no pressure right away.
  • There’s no pressure on the girl, which means that there is a lot more time to build attraction.


  • You come across as friendly and non-threatening’
  • If you don’t know how to follow it up you can spend too much time on the opener.

Gimmicky Openers

Gimmicky openers are something that it takes a certain type of personality to use.  You’re basically using kind of like an outside source to start talking to a girl.  It can be something like pretending your doing an interview, using a prop, or doing magic.


  • You differentiate yourself from other guys.
  • It’s pretty easy to use and it captures her attention.


  • You need to have a quick follow up.
  • You run the risk of appearing like a “dancing monkey”

Situation Openers

The next type of openers that PUAs use are situational.  An example of a situation opener is just turning to a woman you’re next to and making a comment about the environment.

To use a situation opener you just need to become aware of what is going on around you.  And as soon as you notice something worth commenting on, you can just turn to the woman and start the conversation.


  • They are very easy to use as they are non-threatening
  • They appear more spontaneous


  • Sometimes you can spend way too much time trying to find something worth commenting on and you lose an opportunity to talk to a girl.
  • These don’t really differentiate you from other men.

So those are the main types of PUA openers that you can use at a bar or club to start a conversation with a girl.

I think you can clearly see that these are way different then using cheesy pick up lines you might have heard used on some sitcom on television.

Now since most of you have already read the book The Game by Neil Strauss, I will not include pua openers listed in that book.  Instead, I’m going to list some of the most effective opening lines I’ve used to start conversations with girls.

So if you’ve ever asked yourself “how to start a conversation with a girl?”  Here is your answer:

5 Best Pua Openers

These are 5 openers taken from the Little Black Book of Openers.  There are over 175 PUA openers included in the book.  The book is completely free and it also comes with a one hour long audio class on how to use PUA Openers.

‘Bank Robbery’ Opener

“Hey girls, are u good drivers? Me and Friend, are robbing bank across the street, and guess what (pause). Driver screwed us. All you need to do is picks us up at XX.00am, and drive to airport. You get 3%.

This always leads into good conversation, with good energy. This is my opener number 1# right now. They always want to negotiate their %. And they will ask for 5%

‘Fashion’ Opener

“I love your style. You’ve got a great look – you must be very creative.”

This opener works well because everyone loves to thought of as being “creative.”

“Drug Dealer “Opener

Used with a wing at night, with funny, just-got-done-laughing tonality.

“Hey, I need your opinion on something…does my friend here look like a drug dealer?” (chicks usually either laugh or look quizzically) “Because we were outside and some dude came up to him and touched him on the shoulder like this… (cheap kino on girl) and asked, ‘Hey man, you got some E?’” Ideally you will use this with a wing who doesn’t look too straight-laced.

“I’m Lost” Opener

I’m lost… I can’t find my friends and I’m scared… Remember when we were kids and you could just make new friends whenever you wanted… and you said ‘want to be my friend?’ Do you guys want to by my NEW friend?”

“Maury Povich” Opener

Even though this pua opener was talked about it the game… it is too GOOD not to include here:

This one is used to wing your buddy, especially if he’s in a two-set and the obstacle needs to be kept occupied. “Hey, my friend here just got invited to be on the Ricki Lake show. But the theme of the show is Secret Admirers. They told him he’s got an admirer, but he won’t find out whom until he’s live on the set. So maybe it’ll be someone cute, but maybe not; it might even be a guy. What would you do if you were him?”

So those are the PUA Openers I have had the most success with over the years.  But I’ve used hundreds of different openers.  Some of the openers I made up on the spot… but most of the openers I’ve used over the years were collected from reading various field reports from different PUAs.

Although the openers above are quite good (and tested)  I realize that everyone has different personalities and feel comfortable using different kinds of openers.

So I collected close to 200 of the all-time best PUA openers and compiled them all into a free ebook.  It’s called The Little Black Book of Openers and I want to give it to you free.

On the next page, just put your email in the box… and I’ll send it right over to you.  And you’ll have hundreds of new openers you can use tonight.