Dating> Flirting > Make Her Win You Over
by Bobby Rio • Updated: June 05, 2024
See also
- 99.9% of Girls Will Chase When You Say “THIS”
- 5 “Words” That Turn Women On
- How to Make a Girl Obsessed with You
THESE 5 “Flirting Lines” Make Her Feel Like She’s Seducing You
If you’ve ever been in a situation where you’ve been talking to a girl for awhile, maybe even known her for awhile…
Could be a woman you’re just meeting at a party, or maybe a co-worker you talk with a lot, a girl from your social scene…
And there’s a connection, there’s good conversation, a lot of rapport…
You can tell she genuinely enjoys talking to you..
But its always at that platonic level, and now you want to move things forward, but you don’t know how…
In this article, I’m going to explain a very simple way to to do it…
5 Ways to Let Her Win You Over
Hi, I’m Bobby Rio, and in this article I want to teach you a simple thing I learned, that allows you to shift gears and start pursuing a girl…
And I’m going to give you 5 ways to do it, in a way that doesn’t make it weird for her. I should actually rephrase that, because it’s more about it feeling weird to us.
Like we’re nervous, she’s going to think we were only talking to her because we secretly liked her, and now we’re going to make a move, and she’s going to think that was our plan the whole time…
Have you ever been there?
I can remember this time I met this girl Alexa at a networking event, and we hit it off immediately.
We start talking, we separate from the rest of the group.
And we had a lot in common, and we were both introverts, and introverts enjoy those deeper conversations…
So we kept getting deeper, and within a couple hours, we just have this intense rapport.
The problem was, there was ZERO FLIRTING the entire time.
So now, in my head, I want to transition it to flirting and showing interest…
But part of me feels like, it makes me seem phony that I was talking to her about all these things…
And now I’m just gonna make a move like every other guy.
Like that was my agenda the whole time.
And because of that, I wound up never making a move.
Years later, I figured out how to transition towards showing your interest, without being weird or come across like that was your intention the whole time…
Now, a lot of guys in that situation will just randomly compliment her at some point.
But that comes across really clunky.
And a lot of times even is she was into you a bit, that clunkiness takes a little air out of the balloon for her.
So here’s a better way to do it…
And this also something that works in almost every situation with a woman.
And its a big part of what we teach…
Give Her the Feeling She’s Winning You Over
It’s the idea of giving her the feeling like she’s winning you over.
And what this means is that instead of it coming across like you were talking to her this entire time just to get into her pants.
Instead, you were enjoying her conversation, but she did things that seduced you, that won you over, and now even though it wasn’t your intention…
You’re suddenly interested.
For a woman, this is actually what she wants.
Women want a man where she feels like she had to work a bit to win him over.
So I want to share with you five ways that you can give a girl the feeling that she’s winning you over.
So the first way, is to compliment through connection.
Use “Romantic Tension” to Ignite the Chase
#1: The Connection Compliment
Now I said earlier, its clunky if you give her a random compliment on her looks or eyes.
But, you want to slowly start approving of her.
So for instance, I remember that girl Alexa was really into jazz… so what I could have siad was something like
“I really like you’re into jazz, for some reason it just fits you”
So the reason this works is because now it puts the attention on your opinion of her…
You’re no longer both telling stories about your friends or vacations, the conversation has now turned to your impression of her.
And this now opens up opportunities to flirt a bit.
But you’re doing it in away that makes it feel like you’re slowly noticing things you like about her.
Now, a fun way to do this, let’s say a girl has an accent. It could be anything, I’m from NJ, so people say I have a NJ accent..
You just say, “I love your accent, it’s so cute.”
Then do an exaggerated version of it…
Again, you’re changing the temp of the conversation, but not in a clunky way.
#2: Qualifying Questions
So, again, If I’m talking to Alexa, maybe I say something like “So what’s the coolest thing about you, that most people don’t know”
Now, there are two good things about a question like this.
One, it’s a temperature gage. What I mean is, if she gives you a crappy answer, like “nothing really”… its a good sign she doesn’t really like you that much, or else she’d be trying to impress you.
So, if she does put a little effort into her answer, it shows that she’s trying to impress you.
And you can reward her for it.
And if she says something unexpected you can even use that to transition.
You can say something like “I would have never thought that about you, it makes me look at you in a totally different way”
Here’s something interesting…
There was a psychological study that says we are most attracted to a person when that person originally wasn’t attracted to us, but then changed their mind about us.
So, with a line like “it makes me look at you in a totally different way” you’re giving off the impression that you just changed your mind about her.
So now, when you move towards flirting, it comes across more genuine.
Ok, so the next one, is sort of the opposite of that.
#3: Breaking Rapport
While creating rapport is important, sometimes it begins to hurt your chances with a girl.And in this case, you wait until she says something you don’t agree with. Something playful, not politics or anything like that.
Maybe she says her favorite ice cream is strawberry.
You can say something like, “oh man, I was totally starting to like you, I was gonna make my move and everything, but Strawberry, you just ruined it”
Now, all you really did there was acknowledge the elephant in the room, that you were thinking of making a move.
But you said it in a way where you said “I was starting to like you”
So, she was winning you over. But she also knows that you’re not really gonna stop liking her just because she likes strawberry ice cream.
And now, you’re on a more flirtatious level, and you can see how she responds.
If she’s cold about it, you kind of know maybe she’s not into you. But ideally, she starts trying to win back your interest.
“C’mon I like chocolate too, or whatever” anything that gives you a chanced to re-approve of her again.
See Also:
- 25 Things Women Want You to Do
- #1 Way to Charm a Girl into Chasing You
- 4 Easy Flirting Formulas to Use
#4: Intimacy Framing
The next one I call “Intimacy Framing”, and that’s where you bait her into complimenting you or saying something about you that you can make it seem like she’s winning you over.
So one that I’ve used in the past is:
She Has a Good Intuition For People: “You know, I get the sense from you that you almost a little bit psychic. I bet you have a really good intuition for people. I bet you, when your friends bring over a boyfriend who’s bad news, you know right away, right?” I’ll be like, “Yeah, so what’s your intuition of me?”
And normally, if the connection was good, she’ll say something nice about you.
So you can use it to transition. By saying something like: “Are you just saying that to get me to like you? It might be working, just a little bit.”
#5: The Cold Read Compliment
Now, the fifth was is another variation on cold reading…
And all you’re doing is using “cold reading” as an opportunity to tell her she’s attractive.
So here’s an example:
“You know one of the things I’ve noticed from listening to you a little bit is that you’re a really self-motivated person: like I bet you are the type of person if there is something you want, you go after it no matter what. Like I bet in high school there was some boy or some cheerleading spotter or dance queen position that you wanted and you just went after it and I really think that’s attractive even though I think you are kind of a weirdo.”
So, there is a lot of stuff packed into that.
First, the obvious is you’re telling her you think something is attractive about her…
But then you’re pushing her away a bit with “even though I think you’re a weirdo”
Which leaves some tension there.
Does he like me, does he not like me.
But, more a subtle thing is you frame her as someone who goes after what they want.
And people like to live up to a reputation.
So if she agrees that she’s the type of person who goes after what they want, or a boy she wants.
She’ll be more likely to be comfortable expressing her interest in you. Because you just told her you like that quality about her.
Make sense?
So all five of these are ways to give her the impression she’s winning you over.
This idea of her winning you over, makes up a huge part of the technique I teach called The Scrambler...
#1 Sexual Cold Reading Technique
Download the Word-for-Word Technique
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