The Psychology of Female Attraction – Attract Women Doing “THIS”

Dating Advice > Attract Women Guide
by Bobby Rio • Updated: March 05, 2025

attract women

How to Attract a Girl (And Keep Her Attracted to You)

So how do you get a girl obsessed with you? How do you make it so a woman is not just SO/SO about you, she’s actually the one pushing for a relationship, trying to have ‘the talk’ with you…

That’s what we’re going to cover in this guide to female attraction.

Have you ever had a girl who was once hot for you get “cold” and “distant” within a couple weeks?

If I had to guess why, I would say that you got too comfortable too quickly, and stopped PLAYING THE GAME.

I know I know… we all hate ‘the game.’

But you have to play it.


Because women love the CHASE.

They love it.

And when you don’t give them “the chase” they usually find another guy who isn’t so hard to figure out.

How to do you get a woman chasing you?  That’s what we cover in this guide.

The 2025 Female Attraction Guide

The Psychology of Attraction

“Nice Guy” Mistakes

Making Her “Chase”

The Attractive Mindset

Attraction Techniques

Re-Igniting Attraction

Communicating Attractively

Female “Tests”

Reading Her “Attraction Level”

The “Attraction Quiz”

Common Questions About Attraction

The Secret to Attract Women (And Keep Them Chasing You)

What traits turn women off?

One of the most effective ways to attract women, is simply eliminating “unattractive traits”.  Here are some universally “unattractive traits”.

Trait #1: Women are extremely turned off by “weak” men.

Women are biologically programmed to be attracted to strong, dominant, and “alpha” men. For this reason, displaying traits such as shyness, insecurity, neediness, or nervousness quickly make a woman lose attraction towards you. Women have an intuitive sense of when a man feels “inferior” to her.Women don’t want a man who feels he is below her.

Trait #2:Women are not attracted to men who display a lack of “social intelligence.”

Social intelligence is an understanding of the how to act appropriately in social situations.  If a guy lacks this understanding, a woman will not be able to imagine herself out with him in public.  She will feel embarrassed to be with him.  And this will decrease any attraction she may have initially felt for him.

Trait #3: One of the easiest ways to turn a woman off is to display weak body language.

As stated earlier, women are not attracted to neediness, insecurity, or nervousness. So when you display body language or posture that demonstrates these type of traits you will turn a woman off.

Trait #4: A woman is turned off by a man who doesn’t take pride in his “looks”.

You need to show a woman that you take pride in the way you look. They don’t like men who appear to be lazy, sickly, or weak.  You don’t have to be an extremely physically attractive man, but you must present yourself to the best of your ability.

Trait #5: One of the easiest ways to turn a woman off is to show too much interest in her.

This is a mistake that many guys make trying to attract women. This is counter-intuitive, which is why man guys never figure this out. But by “showing too much interest”, you eliminate the fun and chase of a romance, and the woman quickly becomes bored and loses interest.

By just understanding the traits and behaviors that turn women off, you are ahead of 90% of the men out there who will never be able to attract a woman.

What traits turn women on?

Now let’s discuss some of the universally “attractive traits.”

Trait #1: One of the most overlooked ways to attract a beautiful woman is to just be “fun.”

Since most guys get nervous or insecure around women, the rare guy who can allow a woman to relax and have fun around him is three steps ahead of the game. The quickest way to have fun with women is flirt with them, tease them, and be playful. We cover how to do this in the flirting guide. Women are extremely attracted to guys who know how to talk to women in this fun, flirty, and playful way.

Trait #2: Girls want to be with a woman who knows how to act in social situation.

Not only that, but they would prefer a man who takes on the role of leader when grouped with other men. Because of biological programming, an easy way to attract women is to seen as a leader by your peers.  The more men a woman sees looking up to you, the more likely she will become attracted to you.

Trait #3: Girls are attracted to the “chase.”

This is why it is important to always play push/pull with a woman.  Push/pull means that you never let a woman 100% know that she has you.  Instead, you show some interest, but then pull it away.  Keep repeating this process.  A beautiful woman is used to a man surrendering to her immediately.  So the man that keeps her interests in the man who can attract beautiful women.

Trait #4: Girls are attracted to guys who can “talk.”

In my guide on how to talk to women, I give some specific examples of things to say to attract women.? Most guys don’t know how to talk to women.? So the guy who does, becomes even more attractive to women.

Myths of Attraction

There are many “myths” of attraction, and these are a large reason guys lose the attraction of a woman they like.  So let’s cover a few of these “attraction myths”.

Myth #1: Women want a romantic guy

Here is the thing, women do want romance, but only AFTER they are already attracted to you.  Too many guys think that acting romantic creates attraction, but it doesn’t.  In fact, displaying too much interest too soon comes off as creepy and needy and quickly scare away the girls worth going for.

Here is a video where we discuss five #3: of the common “Romance Traps” that men fall into early in a relationship with a girl that will quickly get them the friend zone speech.

As you watch the video below, make a note of which of the mistakes you’re guilty of. And make a mental note of how the girl really reacted to your gesture.

Attraction Myth #2:  Women want a nice guy

The saying “nice guys finish last” is never more true than in the world of dating and relationships.  There is a reason for this. When a guy acts too nice he comes across as trying too hard.  Women want “REAL” they don’t want a guy who is putting on a nice guy act to try to get into her pants.

Attraction Myth #3: Women want a guy they think will make a great boyfriend

Trying to show a girl too soon that you’ll make a “good boyfriend” will actually hurt your chances of ever seriously dating her.

Here are a quick list of the good boyfriend traits to avoid:

  • Trying too hard to find commonalities and rapport.
  • Focus on showing her that I have a good job, like to travel, and other “boyfriend” traits.
  • Taking her side when she bad mouthed players, and act like I’m totally the opposite of those “jerks.”
  • Respecting her too much to make a move.
  • Being too generous towards her.
  • Listening to all her problems and trying to solve them for her.
  • Make a lot of compromises so that we get along better.
  • Paying too much attention to her.

Here’s a video that explains why this is such a mistake, and what to do instead.

Attraction Myth #4:  Women want a guy who “waits” to make his move

NOTHING will kill your chances with a girl like waiting.  Whether you’re waiting to approach her, waiting to ask her out on a date, waiting to kiss her, or waiting to sleep with her there is one thing you must keep in mind.

Women expect things to happen quick when there is chemistry

This means that girls expect to get physical fast with a guy. They expect for it too “just happen.”

Unfortunately as men we’ve been told to “be respectful” and “wait” before making our move. The truth is, the longer you wait the more likely you are to get the friend zone speech when you finally try to make your move.

What are Ways to Attract a Girl

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND reading the articles listed above, as they give very detailed instructions on what you need to do to attract a woman and get her chasing you.  But I’m going to include some additional tips on attracting a girl.

5 Ways to Make a Girl Chase You

15 Tips on Attracting a Girl:

1) Any time you are in a group with other men, you should take on the role of “leader.” You should be the decision maker of the group.? You should be the one that other men turn to for guidance.

2) Although looks are not as important as most guys think, it is still important to always present your best self.  This means you should be well-groomed, fit, healthy looking, and make an effort to dress in a way that shows you have a high level of social intelligence.

3) You should present “alpha” body language and posture. This means take up space, walk with your head up high, shoulders back, and give off the appearance of being a man who knows where he is going in life.

4) You should be able to read the “cues” a woman is giving you.  Women are attracted to men who understand them, so if you want to attract a woman, pay attention to what her words, body, and subliminal signs are telling you.

5) Act assertive and display masculinity with women. Women want a guy who goes after what he wants.  So if you feel like you want to kiss a woman that you’ve been talking to “do it.” Don’t ever wait for a woman’s permission to kiss her.  Women are attracted to men who take charge sexually.

6) Tease and flirt with women. One way to attract women fast is to flirt with her.  There is something that turns women on by flirting.

7) Use things like “cold reads” to attract women.  These sorts of techniques show a woman that you understand her, and that you are experienced with women.

8) Don’t be afraid to touch a woman physically.  Human being are extremely attracted to the touch of other humans.

9) PUSH/PULL. Women like to chase a man.  So when displaying your attraction, its always best to display a little bit of attraction, and then take it away. Always leave a woman wondering how attracted you are to her.

99.9% of Women Are Attracted to “THIS”

10) “Cocky and Funny.” Women like a guy who is confident and fun.  Most guys need to dial it up a little bit. This becomes cocky and funny. This means you sort of present an overly confident humor.

11) Get her to an emotional state.  Another way to attract women is to get her feeling positive emotions around you.  The easiest way to do through using conversation topics that bring emotions out of woman.

12) Don’t hide your identity. Don’t be afraid to talk about whatever you’re passionate about.

13) If you must compliment a woman, if you want to know how to attract women with compliments, you need to understand that women are tired of hearing about how pretty they are.  The best kind of compliments is compliments that involve unique things you see about her personality.

14) Be direct.  Women like man who is not afraid to go after what he wants.  So if you are “sexually attracted” to a woman, early on in the conversation you must make this clear.  The best way to do this is make a reference to that lets her know this. For instance, you could say “that thing you did with your hair was just so fucking sexy.” Or other use one of these 13 lines to express sexual desire.

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